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Nishi-Bhix...The Healer
Full Name: Nishi-Bhix Diana Annie Diamont
Age: 13
Eye colour: Hazel
Hair type: Stunning and Straight
Skin tone: Caramel
Likes: Board games and Crystals
Blessing Gift: Healing through meditation

I love to take care of people! I dream of a world free from sadness and sickness.
I just want everybody to be happy and healthy.
What makes me beautiful is that I am always there to lend a helping hand when my friends need me.
When I grow up I want to be just like Mary Seacole who helped to heal the sick and injured in the Crimean war.
Mary Seacole said:
“….and the grateful words and smile which rewarded me for binding up a wound or giving a cooling drink was a pleasure worth risking life for at any time.”
I am kind, I am loyal and I am caring.
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