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Jessie...The Fashionista

Full Name: Jessie Amica Germain Hector

Age: 11

Eye colour:  Chestnut Brown
Hair type: Sometimes kinky/ Sometimes straight  

Skin tone: Rich Molasses

Likes: New hair do's and brand new shoes

Blessing Gift: The ability to see the beauty and truth in all things 

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I see the beauty and truth in everything!  I have a passion for fashion! I think that all girls are unique and gorgeous.  I love sewing and designing my own clothes, I also give fashion advice to my friends! 

When I grow up I want to be just like Alek Wek!  She is an amazing supermodel who showed dark skinned girls everywhere that they were stunning. 


Alek Wek said:

​"For me, there has never been one definition of beauty. I think we all have something to offer and when beauty shines from within, there can be no denying it"

What makes me beautiful, is that I am always there to give my best friends helpful advice and remind them of how wonderful they are. 

I am fashionable, I am loving and I am fabulous!  

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