Johari...The TinyTiger
Full Name: Johari-Jai Mimi Cannes
Age: 2
Eye colour: Fire Agate Brown
Hair type: Bouncy Baby Bunches
Skin tone: Deep Honey
Likes: Ice Lollies and Playing Outside
Blessing Gift: Pure Honesty through emotion

My mummy calls me her ‘Tiny Tiger’ because even though I am small, I am fearless and fierce. I love my toys but I won’t be toyed with!
Aside from being determined and head-strong, I am extremely warm, loving and sweet.
I guess you can say I am a two in one kind of girl, sometimes I am sweet and sometimes I am sour, but rest assured naughty or nice I am always wonderful!
When I grow up I want to be just like the activist Malcolm X.
Malcolm X believed that we should never be afraid to stand up for ourselves and for what we believe in.
Malcolm X said: “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
Even though I am tiny, I will do anything to protect my mummy, my big sister Nia and my home Beautiville.
I am fiery, fierce and fantastically fearless!